Designer: Creating an Effective Pass

- Utilize text colors and logos that correspond with your dealership’s branding.
- Ensure that you properly space your information so that it is legible for the viewer. Also, when utilizing a logo image at the top of your pass, use a .PNG image with a transparent background, or a matching color to the Wallet pass background.
- Using strip images with a brighter color can be effective, but make sure that color doesn’t wash out your overlayed text.
- Be mindful of compliance guidelines for your OEM when selecting colors, images, and verbiage.
- For Wallet passes that have an expiration date, make sure that the dates used on the pass match those on the Fixed Ops coupon you are connecting it to.
Locations: Where to Place Your Geofence Locations

- Main intersections near dealership
- Competitor lots & standalone service centers (to remind client of your specials as they cross-shop)
- Places that apply to the specific “value addition” of the coupon (ex: if you offer a free shuttle to the mall while service is being done, you could add a location pin to the mall area)
- Avoid putting multiple locations in very close proximity to each other, so that the customer doesn’t get “bombarded.”
Sharing: Extending Your Reach Beyond the Service Specials Page

- Share link will link directly to Wallet pass
- Share in social media posts and email blasts to link visitors directly to downloadable Wallet pass
- When scanned, the QR Code will download pass to the user’s wallet app.
- Use in physical marketing pieces outside of dealership and in service center
- Add to checkout paperwork for other services when client is leaving service center
Redeem Coupons: Tracking Your Campaigns

- It’s important to input the redemption codes, because it allows you to measure the performance of campaigns.
- Find what works best for your dealership: logging nightly vs logging weekly
- Determine who will keep the list of codes to redeem: Service Manager? Advisor?
Analytics: Measuring Campaign Performance

- Track the popularity of your campaigns over time. If you have a campaign that doesn’t perform as well as others, you can adjust various aspects of the pass to maximize performance.
- Always focus on what value is being presented to the customer in each pass that you create. Also, remember that Wallet implementation should be one piece of an overarching Fixed Ops marketing strategy, and branding should stay consistent.